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  • ( Korea ) K-dessert (bread) trends introduced by Koreans!(me!!!)

    Korean Dessert trends Part 1. A short history about the Korean dessert ( K-dessert) First of all, if you are interested in K-dessert , you will need some background knowledge about K-dessert (especially) bread. I’m not going to talk about the history of bread in Korea, but I’m just going to briefly summarize the culture.…

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  • ( Korea ) Summary of street essential food menu in Korean markets ! Must see!!!!

    Summary of food sold in Korean markets & street! Detail information of “Gwangjang Market” Click here to see the article I previously wrote about Gwangjang Market. Not long ago, I wrote an article about Korea Gwangjang Market and the detailed food introduction made the article too long, so I organized it separately here. I have…

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  • (Korea) Tasted by Koreans – Netflix lady at Gwangjang Market

    Korea – Must go place Traditional market “Gwangjang Market” Few days ago, a friend came to visit from Thailand. When friends from abroad or Jay’s parents come, we take them to Gwangjang Market and this tour trip is have never failed. Also, if you were to tell me a place you must visit in Korea,…

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  • (Japan) Osaka in autumn Day 3- share my best restaurants !!

    (Japan) Osaka in the fall Day 3 – A great summary – Share your own secret store  #vintageshopping # Osaka Part 1. Marufuku coffeeshop For some reason, I confess that the trip to Japan, which is being organized as a Mukbang, was actually a year ago, and since the trip was pushed back, I ask…

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  • (Japan) Osaka in autumn – day 2 – Tamago sando, sushi, okonomiyaki

    Osaka in autumn – day 2 #sushi #okonomiyaki Even though we were pursuing a leisurely trip, our schedule on the second day was tighter than expected. Because today was the day we met Jay’s friend’s family! The reason we came here even though it was difficult this time was because we had a fall Autumn-trip…

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  • (Japan) Osaka in autumn day2 – Yakitori, chococro, menu

    Osaka – day 1 yakitori 2Today I would like to introduce the food and snacks we ate on the first day we arrived in Tennoji, Osaka. Osaka Part 1. #Yakitori is a Japanese type of skewered chicken. Its preparation involves skewering the meat with kushi, a type of skewer typically made of steel, bamboo, or…

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  • (Japan) Osaka in autumn day 1 – haruka, Kix

    “This blog is a blog composed of an owner living in Korea who introduces things to see, eat, play, and enjoy etc.. in Korea from the perspective of a Korean, and the tastes of the owner who shares the world seen from the perspective of an overseas. If it suits you, please read more in…

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  • (요리) 밥솥으로 초간단 무수분 카레 만들기! Moisture-free curry with a rice cooker!

    인스타그램에서 우연히 보게 된 무수분 밥솥으로 카레 만들기 마침 일본에서 사다놓았던 커리 블록이 있었고 토마토와 양파도 있었기에 소고기만 주문하여 바로 시작! (여담이지만 엄마가 처리못해 넘겨 준 맛없는 완숙토마토의 해결책이기도했어요 ^^) Making curry with a non-hydrating rice cooker that I came across on Instagram. I happened to have a curry block that I bought from Japan,…

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  • (경기/Gyeonggi) 예봉산 / Yebongsan 등산기 hiking Jounal_ 231002

    (경기/Gyeonggi) 예봉산 / Mt. Yebong 등산기 hiking Jounal_ 231002 한국의 추석이 시작 되었다. 한국에서 추석은 설날과 함께 가장 긴 연휴로 이번엔 10월 2일이 임시공휴일로 지정되면서 제법 긴 연휴가 주어졌다. 그래서 추석 바로 뒤인 10월 2일날 산을 가는 것이 사람이 가장 적을 것 같다는 우리만의 추리로 인해 출발한 예봉산. Chuseok in Korea has begun. In Korea,…

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